How to punctuate and format dialogue

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  1. I’m curious how you format a character quoting a real person’s quote.
    IE: My excerpt begins:
    Ty glanced at her and said, “Have you ever heard of Viktor Frankl?” When she shook her head, he continued, “Well, he was a Holocaust survivor from Austria back in the War. As with some survivors of violent, soul-breaking times, he became an inspiration to many. I remember reading a quote somewhere years ago that he said, and it seems to apply to about any situation anyone can go through.”
    Ty slowed down to let the car in front of him stop and wait to turn left. “Frankl said, ‘Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.’ Those sentences are so basic, so powerful, they’ve always stuck with me.”
    End excerpt.
    Would the actual quote in the single ‘ marks need to be in italics as well? Or does it suffice to just put in the single ‘ marks?

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