the writing stage
Writing craft
the revision stage
agents and publishers
Traditional publishing advice
indie authors
Self-publishing advice
books for writers
Recommended reading
on the web
Useful links
Literary agents
QueryTracker – Search for agents and keep track of responses. (Note: not all UK agents are listed in the database.)
BookEnds Literary YouTube – Lots of informative videos on traditional publishing from the literary agents at BookEnds.
Manuscript Wish List: Find out what agents and editors are looking for.
Writer Beware: A useful page about literary scams and red flags to watch out for when submitting your work.
Complete Guide to Query Letters: A guide to query letters from industry professional Jane Friedman.
Writing and editing
Writing with Color: Writing resources and guides on writing diversely.
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions: Giant list of world-building questions from Patricia C. Wrede.
Conscious Style Guide: A guide to conscious/mindful language, covering things like health, disability, ethnicity and race, sexuality, etc.
Writer Beware – Editors and Editing: Fantastic page on what different types of editors do, and how to avoid unqualified or questionable editors.
Writer Beware – Vanity Presses : Useful page on vanity presses, subsidy publishers, and hybrids.
Society of Authors: Trade union for authors.
Romantic Novelists’ Association: Encourages romance authors and promotes the writing of romance fiction.
Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) – Non-profit organisation for self-publishing authors.
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association: For published authors writing in sci-fi/fantasy and similar genres.
The Royal Literary Fund: Supports professional writers who are experiencing financial difficulties.